Claudia Larcher


AI and Artist Intelligence

Me, Myself and I


AI and Artist Intelligence questions the relationships between society and technology in a time when automation is causing the reinvention of almost every industry. This project is about exploring possibilities for digital and analogue art production with the help of artificial assistants, and about reflecting on the uses and influence that artificial intelligence has on society, art and art production, and our self-image.

The work Me, Myself and I does nothing less than guide a moment of fragmentation and simultaneous re-synthesis to create a productive collision. For the purpose, Claudia Larcher fed a GAN (Generative Adversarial Network) with 350 self-portrait photographs (up to the age of 24). The result is a continuously changing flow of images that shows additional views extending beyond those of the original photos. A baby’s face, a little girl’s head, a young woman, fast forwarding into old age and back to toddlerhood – all in a constantly morphing stream. The audio track demonstrates how none of this is based on a master narrative about what AI can or may even want to do: Larcher processed several conversations about identity that she conducted with various chatbots into a script that interconnects fragments of self-perception in a multidirectional manner. (Based on a text by Christian Höller, abridged)




Artist Talk with Claudia Larcher, Gray Area/Grand Theater,
San Francisco, 12.8.2022


Artist Talk with Claudia Larcher, Gray Area/Grand Theater, San Francisco, 12.8.2022


The Artist in the Machine (excerpt), eperimental film, 2022,
3:12 min


Workshop AI and Artist Intelligence in which the concept of AI-Databases in comparison to analogue collages of DADA and surrealism were explored in depth. The collaboration with the participating artist resulted in collective artworks.


Exquisite Corpse, collective video work for the exhibition Distant Early Warnings, Gray Area Festival 2022


Dall-E, collective artwork created during the workshop AI and Artist Intelligence, 2022



Dall-E, collective artwork created during the workshop AI and Artist Intelligence, 2022


GPT-3, collective artwork created during the workshop AI and Artist Intelligence, 2022

A cooperation with